Today I am going to tell you about 5 plants that can purify your home air.
In the 1980s an American scientist, Dr. Bill Wolverton conducted an interesting experiment, he enclosed a couple of his houseplants in a gas chamber he wanted to see that which of these plant can remove the pollution from the air. So, he introduced all kinds of pollutants in this chamber one by one and measured the pollutant levels in the presence of the indoor plants.
In 1989, NASA used this report to come up with the list of air-purifying indoor plants. That can efficiently purifying the air. After a huge number of researches was done, as a result of this researches NASA made a list of plants that can effectively purify the air. This list is quite long but today, I am going to talk about 5 indoor plants that are not only air purifiers but also look good and stylish for your home decor. When NASA released this list they also mentioned that to keep the air clean there needs to be at least one indoor plant per 100 sq ft. If you are living in an 800 sq ft to 1000 sq ft you should have to keep 8 to 10 plants in your home that can purify your whole house.
1) Z Z Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)
The best part of the ZZ plant is, it does not need much care at all. And remember that don't overwater this plant. We often overwatering the plant that cause of plant death. This plant requires water after 10 to 12 days or even two weeks it will completely fine. The second thing about this plant is to keep away it from direct sunlight you can keep this plant in low light corner of your home. This plant can remove chemicals from Air such as Toulene and Xylene. These chemicals produce from traffic pollution.
2) Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)
Mostly there are two types of Rubber Plants this is a burgundy color one and the other one is variegated kind. You can choose either one. The only requirement of this plant is you must keep the soil moist at all times. It doesn't mean that you keep watering the plant all-time for saturation. If soil is moist the plant will grow faster. This plant needs the support, you can use a stick to stick the plant well. In this way your plant gain hight as well. Also, remember one thing you must keep away this plant form sunlight otherwise the leaves of this plant will get burnt. It prefers medium light. The special thing about this plant is that it removes Formaldehyde from the air. Formaldehyde usually found in crude oil, paints, detergents, and Greece. These things found in furniture. Formaldehyde harm immunity and create blood relative problems.
3) Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)
The broad leaves of the Fiddle Leaf Fig plant give a very beautiful look for our home. This plant removes air pollution as well as humidity. This plant can fight against Mould or Fungus. Mould and Fungus cause breathing issues. So This plant is very efficient for the room where Mould or Fungus found. For its care, you must keep this plant in a bright area. It will grow in direct sunlight as well as indirect sunlight. Do not keep this plant in a dark spot. It likes humid or warm places. You can keep it near the window.
4) Areca Palm (Dypis Lutescens)
Areca palm available in many sizes. It does not require a lot of lights. You can find it 4ft from a tiny plant in the market. Do not keep this plant in direct sunlight. If your Areca plant is turning yellow, it has two reasons. The first one is if only the leaves tips are turning yellow, it does mean it is related to the water problem. It prefers soil moisture. You should water the Areca plant once in 3 days. The second one is if the stem and the leaves of the Areca both turning yellow it means the Areca is kept in direct sunlight because direct sunlight will also cause Areca to yellow. Areca is good for removing two toxic pollutants, first one is Benzene, and the second is Formaldehyde. These toxins can cause short term irritation to long term immunities problems. It is very easy to grow in the home.
5) Monstera (Monstera Obliqua)
There are many kinds of Monster Plant this is cut leaves one. The naturally cut leaves of this plant really look good. It can remove Formaldehyde very efficiently. You should keep the soil of this plant moist. You can water it in the summer after 3 days it will completely fine for it. Keep away this plant from direct sunlight otherwise its leaves will be burnt. But don't keep this plant in the dark spot you should keep this plant in a well-lit place.
There are so many other plants that can effectively remove air pollutants like Money Plant, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, and so on.
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